9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931  (865) 357-9822

What We Believe

Creation—God is the creator of all things visible and invisible (Genesis 1:1, Romans 1:20)

Christ—Jesus Christ is God’s only son, the Savior of the world, who will one day return to earth. (Matthew 1:18, Luke 1:26-7, John 3:16, Acts 1:1-9, 10:42; I Corinthians 15:3-8; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Peter 4:5; I John 4:9)

Holy Spirit—is the third person of the godhead who indwells the believer and teaches, guides, and empowers the believer (John 14:15-17, 26; Acts 1:8, 2:4; I Corinthians 12:3-11)

Scripture—all sixty-six books of the Bible are divinely inspired, inerrant in content, and clearly indicate that there is only one way to receive salvation—through Jesus Christ (John 20:30,31; II Timothy 3:16,17)

Love—is the essence of God, Christ’s command to believers, and the defining quality of the church   (Matthew 22:37-9; John 13:34, 35; I John 4:7-8)

Sin—all people have willfully sinned and, apart from Christ, are lost and without hope (Romans 3:20, 23; I John 3:4)

Salvation—salvation and the forgiveness of sins comes by grace through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice  (Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8,9; I Peter 1:18,19)

Grace—is the gift of God wherein God gives believers that which they do not deserve—forgiveness of sins and salvation (Romans 3:23, 6:23; Ephesians 2:4-9)

Faith—is the belief in the truth of the scriptural testimony and trust in the nature of God (Romans 5:1, 10:17; Hebrews 11:1)

Repentance—is the change of mind arising from the sorrow for sin and resulting in a reformed life  (Luke 13:3; Acts 3:19)

Confession—the public acknowledgement that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God  (Matthew 10:32-3, 16:15-17; Romans 10:10)

Baptism—baptism by immersion identifies the believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and is an act of faith and obedience to him. (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:2-6)

Priesthood of all believers—every Christian has direct access to God and each is the voice of God to the world  (Ephesians 2:18; I Peter 2:9)

Communion—Christ instituted communion to serve as a reminder of his sacrifice, love, and forgiveness for all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior (Matthew 26:26-29; I Corinthians 11:23-26)

Worship—Worshiping God is the expression of thanksgiving from the believer to God for who He is and what He has done (John 4:20-24; Philippians 3:3; Hebrews 12:28)

Prayer—is the many forms of communication between the believer and God that draws the believer close to God and strengthens the believer with the power of God (Matthew 7:7-11, 21:21-2; Acts 1:14ff; I Thessalonians 5:17)

Heaven—Heaven is a real place of reward where those who accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior will spend eternity with him (Matthew 5:11,12; II Corinthians 5:1-5; Hebrews 12:22,23)

Hell—Hell is a real place of torment where those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will spend eternity separated from God (Matthew 10:15, 25:26; Luke 16:22-26; Revelation 21:8)