9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931  (865) 357-9822

Tagged: “recreation”

Golf Outing

West Towne will be hosting a golf outing at Centennial Golf Course in Oak Ridge on Sunday, October 9 at 2:45 pm. The cost is $34 payable to the golf course on the day of the event. This is a great way to get to know folks. We have players of ALL skill levels so […]

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Flag Football

The West Towne Flag Football League begins September 13.  Games are played on Sunday’s between 1:30 and 3:30pm.  Flag football is co-ed for ages 14 and up.  For more information, contact Marshall Barnett at marshall@followjesus.org or 357-9822.  Sign up below.  

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Basketball League

The WTCC Kyle Anito Basketball League (a.k.a. The Young & Breathless) begins in January 18! If you enjoy basketball, come out and watch some good basketball along with some humorous happenings each week.  What would you expect from a league that was formerly called the “Young and the Breathless”?!  Games are played in the Family […]

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