9300 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37931  (865) 357-9822

Join the Adventure

We are headed for an Ark Encounter on March 12-13, 2023. Join us on this adventure to Williamstown, KY to experience a full-scale model of Noah’s Ark. This is open to everyone, but you’ll need to line up your own transportation and housing.


Here’s a tentative schedule, but you can join us for as much or as little as you’d like:

Sunday, March 12
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Caravan leaves for Georgetown, KY
4:00 PM – Arrive at Hotel (Relax, Visit, Swim, & Supper)

Monday March 13
8:30 AM – Leave for Ark Encounter
9:00 AM – Ark Encounter Opens (Lunch & Dinner onsite)
7:00 PM – Ark Encounter Closes (Caravan leaves for Knoxville)


Here’s a tentative budget, but you can save money in many ways…especially if you don’t spend the night and drive up on Monday morning:

Ark Encounter
Adults (ages 18–59): $54.95
Seniors (ages 60+): $44.95
Youth (ages 11–17): $24.95
Children (10 and under): FREE
Parking: $15

Additional Expenses
Hotel Room: $100-130/night
Meals: ???
Fuel: ???

Ways to Save
1. Carpool
2. Share hotel rooms
3. Travel up on Monday
4. Pack meals

You are also welcome to stay for more days and visit the Creation Museum.

If you are interested, sign up below and we’ll get you more details…

Categories: Adults, Children, Church News, Events, Family Ministries, Middle & High School, Mobile